Author Archives: amydeebr

The Be the Change for YOU 30 Day Challenge

It’s time to be a more active part of my own life! Instead of sitting on the sidelines watching things happen…I’ve decided to MAKE things happen and that’s where the “Be the Change” movement comes into play.  It makes me a little nervous to publically commit to this but I’m guessing that if it makes me nervous, it probably means that it’s time to act!  So a huge thank you to Amanda Hite (@sexythinker) for inspiring me to make a change, a change that will positively affect me AND my family!  Looking forward to the next 30 days!

My 30 day Commitment:

  • Put my phone down from the time I get home until the kiddos are asleep #focusonfamily
  • Exercise daily…doesn’t have to be a marathon, just move!
  • Stick to the 8 Hour Diet
  • Deactivate my facebook account (only tweets for me)
  • Send a positive message to at least one person every day (even if that means a positive word to MYSELF!)

So there it is…please excuse my very primitive blog…I’m a newbie! And thank you, in advance, to all that support me in this challenge!

Here’s to improvement!